"Every Camper is a Star at Interlaken"
Friends, relatives and Camp Interlaken alumni (amazing how much overlap there is among these);
In a few weeks we will begin a 270-mile bike ride from Madison to Eagle River to raise money for Camp Interlaken. We write to ask for your support in this epic adventure and cause. Contributions will be split between the Tracy Sweet Camp Interlaken JCC Scholarship Endowment Fund and the Ateret Cohn Scholar in Residence Endowment. Tracy and Ateret are so important in our lives and the lives of hundreds, if not thousands of Camp Interlaken Alumni. It is impossible to overstate how important Camp was to both. Support of these named funds is a fitting tribute for the second Ride to Interlaken, dubbed “R2I.2.”
This Summer commemorates the 40th anniversary of Tracy’s Bat Mitzvah at Camp and is an added inspiration for this ride.
Friendships and deep memories are continuously created at Camp Interlaken. Please support scholarships and Jewish programming by making a tribute gift to Tracy and Ateret. For convenience, the JCC has created a direct link https://www.campinterlaken.org/alumni/giving-back/donate-now/ or you can mail a check to the JCC, 6255 N Santa Monica Blvd, Milwaukee, WI 53217, attention Kira Nehmer, Development Coordinator, and note “Ride to Interlaken” or call Kira directly at (414) 967-8184.
Jessie and Jordy
My first summer at camp all I wanted to do was pass out of swimmers; I was a Benjamin pipsqueak and had my eye on Lake Swim. Tracy worked with me every swim class, every chofesh and every free swim to help strengthen my nothing arms and terrible technique. After 3 weeks I passed out and Tracy swam next to me the whole way to Pekarski's, ate Oreos by my side and swam with me all the way back to Camp. For me every mile is for Tracy and for all the kids who deserve to go to camp and have a unique and meaningful Interlaken experience.
I remember the sunny Shabbat morning of Tracy’s Bat Mitzvah. I specifically remember how fresh and ripe the fruit was at kiddush; a rare treat at camp back then. This is my first memory of Tracy. It would have been impossible to foresee how important this friendship would become. Of course, Camp was at the core. I miss her.
I also remember the moment I stepped of the bus at camp for the first time in July of 1974. Ate ret was the first person I saw. She greeted me by name and it felt that she had been waiting specifically for my arrival. I know that wasn't true, but she had skill and motivation to make people feel that way. I can still see her face from that day--big smile that made deep wrinkles around her eyes. Her whole face smiled. One of her great pleasures was to keep track of the camp "Beachheads" who got married. Not sure why she called camp couples this. She always promised me she would dance at my wedding. As a camp "Beachhead", Jessie and I were thrilled to invite her. I can still see Ateret sitting at our wedding reception. She had that same full faced smile. I miss her.